Totality A Block Party

The path of totality passes over Malden, MO on April 8, 2024

Totality starts at 1:57:11 pm and ends at 2:00:29 pm for 3 minutes 18 seconds of totality.

Date(s): April 8, 2024
Location: Bootheel Youth Museum Malden, MO
Time: 11 to 3 pm

The Bootheel Youth Museum will host a viewing party along with educational programs and hands on activities beginning at 11 a.m. Total Solar Eclipse* The path of totality passes over Malden, MO on April 8, 2024. Starting at 12:40:04 p.m. with totality beginning at 1:57:11 pm ending at 2:00:29 pm for 3 minutes 18 seconds of totality. The eclipse ends at 3:16:21 as the moon uncovers the sun. Follow the Bootheel Youth Museum for more news and information. *Last chance to view a total eclipse in Missouri until 2178.Are you in the path of Totality check the map: https://nationaleclipse.com/maps.html The BYM Giftshop Eclipse will have certified safe eclipse viewing glasses and educational literature. Check our website for links to classroom resources. Schools interested in special projects and or field trips please contact Jacob Heck at jacobheck01@bootheelyouthmuseum.org 573-276-3600 x29 #inthepathoftotality

Eclipse Eye Safety
Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing.
Viewing any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics will instantly cause severe eye injury.* Eclipse Glasses and Viewers should have a minimum Filter rating of ISO12312-2. 




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